Aug 20, 2006


I love Sundays.

I love sleeping in, taking naps in the afternoon, cooking meals with friends, listening to good music, reading, going on long walks. I love going to church & coming away feeling like I both gained & contributed something. I love the ability to do absolutely nothing, if I so choose.

Mike & I have had a nice weekend. We had another "parenthood preview" Friday night watching Ashton, almost 3, for a few hours while Mistie & Troy went to Shakespeare in the Park. We took him to the playground, ate ice cream and watched the juggler at South Street Seaport. We went to Brookstone and put Aston in the massaging chair which he did not like very much at all. We skipped and ran and made every animal noise you could imagine. Mike and Ashton turned into monkeys at the park and climbed and crawled until it was dark. We thought we had worn Ashton out by that point... We were wrong.

The mezzanine in our apartment building is a gigantic room roughly the size of 2 basketball courts. Ashton decided to run sprints up and down, laughing the entire way. Again, we thought that he would get tired (it was already 9pm) & might just want to go to sleep. Being an almost 3 year old boy, of course, this certainly did not happen. He instead decided his cardiovascular health was more important than sissy beauty sleep and proceeded to run sprints for the next half hour, only stopping to make sure that we were watching, or every so often, asking us to race.

Ashton is wise, as are his parents. When Mike asked him who his best friend was, he shot me a grin and said "Kathryn"! I think he just wanted more strawberry cheesecake ice cream, which he certainly got after such a sweet (albeit transparent) comment. Smart boy, smart boy he is. When Mike asked who Mistie's best friend was, he said "Daddy"! I am happy that our favorite little boy has such great parents. :) We hope that they will let us borrow him again.

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