Aug 5, 2006


One of my favorite memories growing up was riding on the bow of the boat with Elizabeth & singing "My Boyfriend's Back" at the top of our lungs. I also have vivid memories of us finding a tape recorder and recording every bad word in the dictionary that we could think of. Elizabeth threatened to make it public for years to come.

I am excited to visit Elizabeth in Utah in a few weeks. She has recently become obsessed with gardening, and it looks like I might try canning for the first time in my life. She was very sweet and tried to send me a jar of green beans, only to get a letter from the postoffice saying that the package had been destroyed, and had destroyed some other packages along with it. Oops. When we are in Utah we are going to go to Sundance, Cafe Rio & Brand X. And maybe Nordstrom. And the distribution center. I don't have much else on my agenda.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I love how you look exactly the same in these pictures as you do now...with a more updated haircut.