Aug 4, 2006

Ducks vs. Pigeons

The city would be a more beautiful place if only pigeons were replaced by ducks. I sat and watched these ducks play in a puddle outside the Louvre Museum for about 10 minutes last spring. They thoroughly enjoyed eachother's company, and I could tell that they were the best of friends. I haven't seen any pigeons that look like they are BFF in NYC. Most pigeons I encounter are fighting over chunks of peanuts, hotdogs or pretzels that have been dropped on the ground by an unsuspecting tourist who is naive enough to eat the "dirty water dogs" (actually- Mike still loves them. I refuse to eat them). Pigeons in New York are stubborn and fearless. I find myself playing "chicken" with them (oddly enough) on a daily basis. I haven't lost yet, but they seem to hold out until the moment before my heel squishes their little pigeon brains. I suppose pigeons have what it takes to thrive in this city. They are quick, efficient and fearless. They don't mind getting dirty. Ducks seem too peaceful, too laid back to thrive anywhere outside of Central Park. Somedays I feel like a duck. Other days I know that I am stronger & more confident through my experience living in this fast-paced city we now call home.

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