Aug 13, 2006

Metro North

We went out to dinner Friday night with our good friends Elly & Scott. A restaurant in Nolita called Rice has seemed to be our favorite spot as of late (our third visit in the last week) & we decided to show it off to the Fryer's. The food was yummy, as always, & it was fun to have a waitress who recognized us! Afterwards, for some reason, we decided to go to a dessert place nearby called Rice to Riches. It serves only (can you guess?) rice pudding. It is delicious, but rice for dinner and dessert is perhaps a bit much. Next time we will get gellato in Little Italy!

Mike & I hopped on Metro North Saturday morning for a quick trip out to New Canaan, where we are now. We spent Saturday doing the usual- Target & Costco, buying as much as we can happily carry back with us on the train & subway home. It's always fun to be out here in the "country"- I think I would get clausterphobic in the city if I was never able to escape.

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