Aug 5, 2006

New Canaan, CT

It is nice to have a "country home". Having the Whiting's just so close (just a short ride on MetroNorth to New Canaan) is great. Steve is always kind enough to take us to Costco where we stock up on frozen chicken, zone bars and macaroni & cheese. Unfortunately, we can only buy as much as we are willing to carry back with us on the train & subway, but it is worth it to be able to buy the basics in bulk. Sunday afternoons in New Canaan are always relaxing. We love the tradition of homemade bread & Ghiradelli brownies. It is also nice to sprawl out on a couch that is big enough to sleep on! Ours is big enough for 2 to sit comfortably, but small enough that you wake up with a sore neck if you attempt to sleep on it! Mike generally takes advantage of my nap time in Connecticut & sneaks down to the basement to play XBox with Bryan & Dave. He thinks I don't notice. HA!

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