Aug 5, 2006

Paradise & Bugs

We took advantage of cheap JetBlue tickets and went down to Puerto Rico for a quick weekend trip a few weeks ago. Mike's family was already there & we all had a great time together. I introduced Dave & Bryan to virgin Miami Vice drinks, and Mike worked on his farmer's tan thanks to a day #1 sunburn. Puerto Rico was not like I expected. The center of the island is a beautiful rainforrest with waterfalls & lush green trees. I felt like I was in the middle of Jurassic Park! Our favorite adventure was going on a luminescent kayaking trip Saturday night (thank you Elly & Scott Fryer!). We kayaked through a mile-long mangrove channel into a huge lagoon filled with glowing plankton. It was a pretty incredible experience that definitely left its mark- I came home with about 15 mosquito bites, but it was worth every one.

We at lunch at a great authentic Puerto Rican place next to our resort. I had an interesting dish- mashed plantains mushed into a dough-like consistency, then filled with crab meat and beans. It was yummy.

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