Oct 19, 2006

85 Broad Street

This building is my home away from home. I am here 10 to 14 hours a day, and now that it is getting dark at 5pm, I feel like I never see daylight. 85 Broad Street is but a few blocks away from my apartment, and while the commute is short, I think that I am at work more often than I am at home.
I am tired this week. I am admittedly crabby. I can't seem to get enough sleep.
Is this what new mom's feel like? I am thinking about this as our entire ward here in New York (and several of my friends/family) seems to either be pregnant or possessing babies who are still in the single digits, month wise. Do new moms ever get to take naps or cook a nice dinner? I had Kashi cereal for dinner tonight. Last night Mike mercifully had spaghetti ready for us when I got home. Do new moms have time to read books? I am still only halfway finished with the Steinbeck that I was supposed to have read by the 15th (for Mystery and Manners). I am not a mom, but my job sometimes feels like a toddler that does not like to take naps. How do new moms grocery shop or run errands? Tonight I ordered my groceries online (I love Fresh Direct) and this was a major accomplishment for the week. I also sat on my couch and watched The Office and Grey's Anatomy, during which I was able to turn off my brain and rest for a few hours. I cannot wait for the weekend. I need a weekend.
I plan on next week being... different. I will be just as busy (if not more- it's the final push of the fall recruiting season), but I fully intend on exercising, sleeping and cooking more. On the menu thus far- Mon: Herb Crusted Chicken Breasts Tue: Cilantro Lime Pesto Pasta Wed: Autumn Soup. Thur: Fajitas. Fri: Out with friends. I write this only so that I will be held accountable, which is especially important on nights when I come home and just want to order takeout and sit on the couch in my pajamas. Let us hope that my intentions will turn into reality.
My thought process is a little fuzzy right now, so I am choosing to throw form and structure to the wind. I will instead ramble.
  • My new favorite apples are called Jonagolds. They came to the scene during the 1930-something New York State Agricultural Fair, and have been a sought after rarity ever since. Mike failed to mention them in his recent posting, which was shocking really. We bought them at a farmer's market in Marlboro, New York after the recommendation of the same goateed man who recommended The Racoon Saloon. They were the best, most crisp apples I have ever had in my life. We took a bag back to Connecticut and made crepes filled with steamed apples, cinnamon and vanilla icecream. Yum! I think that we will drive out again this weekend and bring back a more substantial supply to the city.
  • What idiot invented heels? I wore a pair of my favorite BCBG's to work today after a long (and rather comfortable) spell of flats... I got home tonight and my feet hurt. A lot. The few blocks I walked to and from work proved tedious, as I navigated up and down sidewalks and around street grates, carefully avoiding cracks large enough to get a heel stuck.
  • Does anyone watch The Office? (Then again does anyone read our blog??) It is probably my favorite show on television. I find myself wishing and hoping that Pam and Jim will run away and live together forever in awkward bliss.
  • I am furious that Jeffrey won Project Runway last night. I did not get to watch it, but who can avoid the news? I do not like him. I do not like his tattoo across his neck. I do not like his clothes. I certainly do not understand why he won. I was a Michael fan through and through. It was a very disappointing outcome.
  • I think I am going blind. Things are starting to get fuzzy. I need to go see an optometrist. Or an opthamologist. Which one? Am I getting old? Is it a result of the poorly lit building I work in each day? Is it starting at a computer screen? Or am I just old?
  • I need new music. My ipod is getting stale. Any recommendations?
  • On a more positive note, but keeping with the food theme... Mike and I are lucky enough to get to work within 20 minutes of each other (the bordering neighborhood of Tribeca & the Financial District), and decided to meet for lunch yesterday. We went to Mike's favorite food cart in New York, serving Halal food straight from the Middle East. Lamb & Rice is one of Mike's favorite food groups, and you can't beat the price ($5). If you time it poorly, you can wait in line for 20 minutes amongst construction workers and Wall Street bankers alike. Oh, the unity in NYC.


Unknown said...

First of all, you're not old. If you're old...then I'm 2(?) years OLDER. Yikes!
Second, I think this busy thing is...reality. And yes, a perfect preparation for motherhood. The first 6 months of mommy-dom was absolutely crazy for me: NO NAPS, but ultimate exhaustion! A "job" that NEVER sleeps or offers lunch breaks. Exercise? Reading? Cooking? Hello tuna sandwhiches and maybe "Real Simple" magazine. But...then, he turned 6 months old, decided naps weren't so hellish afterall, can entertain himself while I cook a real dinner...and--I can definitely vouch that looking back at super chubby cheeks can be a little more rewarding than a computer screen. Now I'm searching for creative projects. What a change!
Both are good: "the office" and motherhood. Each is different...each has its rewards. A lot of times I miss interacting; a change of scenery. Most of the time, I just realize that my life is thrilling...in different ways at different times. Like Mac and the boys, (yeah for Mystery and Manners) I hope that I can sit on the Squaw Peek of Cannery Row and not turn my head for the yearly parade--because I am content with the marching and music of my own life.
I think the point is: that good things take effort. Effort is worth it if...you are living the life you want.
Oh, and music: I really like Ted Leo and the Pharmacists, The Shins, Keane, The Last Kiss soundtrack. I'm really out of the music loop these days.
Heels...I've always been a flats kind of girl. I really do like the one and only pair of heels I've owned though...Kenneth Cole with a velcro strap and rubber heels. Now THAT'S heel comfort.
It sounds like you guys are working crazy hard! Nice job.
And...I envy your ambitious menu. That's my new goal. I should try out some of your suggestions.

Are weekends any more relaxing that your week? I hope so. Otherwise, you would have never known about Jonagolds. :)

k. said...

I do not mean to complain. As I said, I was (am?) having a cranky week. I feel grateful to be where I am, to have a nice husband, a job I like,and an apartment that is tiny but warm & dry. I just have a hard time being content with my reality sometimes. I am not fulfilled by my "profession". I don't know that I ever will be, no matter how "great" a job I have. Quite frankly- My career ambition rests in the idea that I don't want to be bored, and I want to make good use of my time before we decide to start a family. That might be terrible, but it is true. I am so excited to be a mom- I cannot wait to be exhausted from changing diapers, 4 am feedings and endless changes of clothes. This sounds fulfilling to me, although exhausting, and I envy those that get to spend their days working on this incredibly fulfilling career... but I have to be patient and wait for timing to be right. I also need to realize that I'm sure that although you are in a different stage of life than I, you still struggle for balance and fulfilment. I am trying (I said trying) to live by something I saw the other day-"Enjoy this moment, for this is your life."

I decided yesterday that for the most part,I have given up on heels. I am over needing to be a few inches taller, and I no longer care about making my calves look just a little bit better. I live in the city! I need to be comfortable. I do have a pair of "kitten" heels that I love though- tiny 1/2 inch heels that make my pants just the right length. They are a nice in between. I am happy being 5'4" and comfortable.

My menu is not very ambitious- just a small step up from cold cereal.All of those recipes will take under 30 minutes to prepare. The Autumn Soup can be easily frozen and reheated, which makes it great for "busy" times, the Chicken is one of our favorite things to bring to work as leftovers (we try not to eat out...leftovers save a tremendous amount of money), and the Cilantro Lime Pesto Pasta- do you remember Guru's in Provo? It is their recipe. I just couldn't resist. I'll let you know how it turns out.

Weekends are... lovely. We are going out to dinner with friends tonight, then hopping on a train to CT. I'm going to a poetry luncheon (this sounds very New Canaan)with Mike's mom tomorrow, and then we are planning on taking another nice drive (and going apple shopping). Considering I haven't spent much time out of the financial district in the last month, it's nice to get out of the city every now and then.

Time to head out for another day of work. Thanks for your comments. Someday I want to be able to write like you. :)