Oct 7, 2006


Today was a busy Saturday. We woke up early (ridiculous for a Saturday morning- Mike was up at 6:00) and walked up to Tribeca to have breakfast at Bubby's, a place we've wanted to try for a while. Yum! It was a fun spot. We must have been feeling extremely energized after our big breakfast, because we decided to walk up to Soho where we walked around and shopped for a few hours. I was ecstatic to find my dream couch at Crate & Barrel, only to realize that it would cost us about $6K. So much for a nice leather sectional in our living room... Anyway, we did a lot of walking today, but it's always fun to get around the city via foot instead of subway. The view is a little bit better of course, and it was nice to get some fresh air after a week spent in a cubicle. We went grocery shopping, walked down to South Street Seaport just for fun, browsed Borders for an hour or so and cleaned out our closets. All in all it has been a productive day. Now I am exhausted with sore feet, so I'm going to make Mike rub them and then go to sleep!

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