Oct 26, 2006

Joanna's Pictures

My sister Joanna takes incredibly beautiful pictures. I love fall (have I mentioned this yet?) so these pictures she recently sent were immediate favorites. I think that fall colors are such an absolute miracle.


Unknown said...

These are really incredible. I would love to have a print behind my couch!

k. said...

You can! She has a website- joannahudsonphotography.com. I'm fairly certain that you can order prints through smugmug on her site. They ARE pretty, aren't they? She is so talented...

Joanna said...

Thanks Kathryn! Kelli, I'd be happy to send you the jpegs if you'd like them. Feel free to take them to a lap to have them printed in whatever size you'd like. :)

Unknown said...

thanks! I might take you up on that....

Jan said...

Wait a second - Are all these pictures on your blog ones that you took ? They are seriously gret pictures - every one! xoxoxoMom

k. said...

These particular pictures are Joanna's. The rest of the pictures are all mine (unless otherwise noted).

k. said...

These particular pictures are Joanna's. The rest of the pictures are all mine (unless otherwise noted).