Oct 28, 2006


Today was stormy and grey. We walked past the cemetery at Trinity Church this afternoon while we were out shopping. It was a strange sight seeing it decorated with pumpkins. I felt like it was dressed up like a scary movie. Nonetheless, I thought it made a pretty picture.
Mike & I ate breakfast this morning at a Swedish place near our apartment. I had eggs Florentine for the first time- delicious. They served it with potatoes mixed with anchovies. I took one bite and decided quickly that it was one too many. Otherwise, it was delicious breakfast. The waitress even made me hot chocolate from scratch.
Later in the afternoon I found myself caught in a rainstorm. I was out shopping by myself while Mike was at a movie with a friend. I had failed to bring an umbrella and was 10 blocks away from home, so I was forced to huddle under an awning with a man who kept repeating, "Rolex, Rolex, buy a Rolex" to everyone hurrying by. The rain finally let up about 10 minutes later. The man never did make a sale.
Finally, and completely unrelated- I do not enjoy romantic comedies that lack a happy ending. I do not enjoy watching other people's conflict. The Breakup made me depressed for days. We just got back from watching Prime in the screening room in our building, and it left me with a similar feeling of ickiness.

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