Nov 2, 2006

Halloween and Such.

Riley, Avery & Lexi - Already beauty queens.

Parker, Spencer, Harrison & Ellie (and Tara)

So, apparently Mike and I are really lame. Our Halloween was rather uneventful, and we both got home too late from work to do anything remotely festive. Oh well. At least I have incredibly cute pictures of my nieces and nephews to look at!

This week has been fine, but I am TIRED. We were busy this week with not a lot of time to relax, but such is life I suppose. My birthday on Monday was nice. One of the highlights of my day was getting a voicemail from Tara with Ellie & Spencer singing me "Happy Birthday". I just about started crying in my cubicle! I miss my family.

My team at work had no problem sending me home "early" so that I could go celebrate, which was nice. Mike took me to dinner at Blue Water Grill, a seafood restaurant I've been wanting to go to for a long time. This was especially sweet, as Mike Hates seafood. Please notice that "Hates" has a capital "H". He ordered sushi with me once, and almost threw up after taking his first bite. I'm not kidding. This being said, he understands my Pacific Northwest roots and love for all (okay, most- I don't care for clams or mussels) things from the sea/river, and just wanted to make me happy on my birthday. He got us a table in the Jazz Room, which appropriately enough has live jazz at night. It was a really cool setting. I ordered blackened swordfish with a sweet potato & lobster "hash". It was delicious. It was no surprise that Mike ordered the surf & turf, with more emphasis given to the the "turf" than the "surf" (he will eat shrimp).

Mike went out to Connecticut tonight, leaving me to watch The Office and Grey's Anatomy on my own. He's driving into the city tomorrow afternoon to pick me up, then we are off to Ecce bed & breakfast for a weekend of relaxation. The weather is supposed to be beautiful & crisp. We are planning on hiking, reading, and napping. I can't wait.

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