Nov 7, 2006


My week started off with a bang this morning. Literally. I initially thought that someone had shot through our window, but common sense intervened, and I realized that bullets don't really go flying 30 stories up. I learned first hand, at 7:30am, what happens when you put a non-microave safe plate into the microave for 7 minutes. I was cooking a baked potato for our lunch today and apparently made a bad choice in terms of cookware. The plate shattered to thousands of tiny little pieces. It make quite the loud noise. This being said, we are safe and happy in New York with all windows intact- just minus one pasta plate.

I was cranky at work today & Mike came home a little grumpy as well, proabably due to being back in our tiny apartment after staying in a 5 bedroom house all weekend. We decided (and by we, of course, I mean "I") that it is time for another "Things That I Like" list, but this time it will be "Things That Make Me Happy", and we will omit the "Things I do Not Like List", because that is too long today.
  1. Kathryn: My sheepskin slippers that Mike got me for Christmas last year. They are warm, and perfect for the fall/winter when our wood floors get chilly. Plus I hate wearing socks. My toes feel constricted.
  2. Mike: The Daily Show with John Stewart (he is reading the Rolling Stone article about him right now... speaking of which, for some reason, I now get Rolling Stone delivered once a month. I wonder who is paying for it and who had it sent to me. Odd.)
  3. Kathryn: Sleeping in.
  4. Mike: He says sleeping in, too. ("We are on the same wavelength!" he says)
  5. Kathryn: Crossing things off my personal "To Do" list. I love making the check mark.
  6. Mike: A clean bathtub (I should note that he always cleans it for us. It's very sweet.)
  7. Kathryn: A clean apartment.
  8. Mike: Brand X Hamburgers (Springville, UT)
  9. Kathryn: Extreme Makeover: Home Addition (I cry every Sunday night)
  10. Mike: When Kathryn "nuzzles" (I guess maybe you have to be there... he really does love to cuddle!)
  11. Kathryn (#11, just for fun): Fresh Direct. I just had my groceries delivered. To my door! While wearing my fuzzy slippers and pj's! This still makes me happy, even after dozens of orders with them. This delivery was especially nice, as they included one of their freshly baked cheesecakes just for "fun". Perfect timing for dessert (but a nice sabatoge of the 35 minute run I pushed myself to complete on the treadmill tonight)!

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