Dec 18, 2006

18 is the new 25.

Mike and I discovered last year that as adults, we are free to do as we please! That being said, we started a tradition as newlyweds as having absolutely no patience or self control whatsoever- we celebrated Christmas a week early. This year, we promised to be better. All was going according to plan until we were transfixed by our Williams-Sonoma hot chocolate and marshmallows this evening. Apparently it is a mind-controlling substance, as soon enough we found ourselves swimming in wrapping paper.
Mike has good taste in Christmas cards.

He is also psychic.

The beautiful tie that my mom got him for Christmas (and the coordinating shirt from me- you can't tell, but it is a purple-ish color. This is a big step for the guy who only wears white & various shades of blue.)

Pure joy on this face. He's looking sharp.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

you couldn't handle being married to brad...he won't even let me open ONE gift early. (I try ALL the time) :)