Dec 16, 2006

Christmas fun.

My mom & dad have been in New York since Wednesday evening. It has been fun to have an excuse to get out & do some things we don't normally do. We met the Whiting's for dinner Thursday night at Cafeteria, a yummy albeit loud restaurant in Chelsea. I had the famous Mac 'n Cheese- it was delicious and definitely lived up to its reputation. It's always nice to have the chance to get the two families together. We had fun. In other food news, my dad has fallen in love with the Croque Monsieur sandwich at Financier (our local French sandwich/pastries shop- it is a ham sandwich topped with gruyere cheese, served with a European field greens salad). As a result, we ate there for lunch on Thursday & Friday. I can't complain- I love it too, especially the Yule Log Chocolate Mousse!
Friday evening was great fun- We went and saw Slava's Snowshow (pictures to follow). Mike and I saw it when it first came out & it is one of favorite unique things to see in the city. My parents loved it. It is strange, and beautiful and surprising. Afterwards, we went and ate at Tribeca Grill (one of my dad's favorites), getting home around midnight. Apparently my parents are still on West Coast time as we decided to rent a movie, going to bed around 2am. I was sleepy today.
Today we went and saw Kramer's Reality Seinfeld Tour (led by the "real" Kramer- the guy that the writers based the character off of). Both Mike & my dad are huge fans, and they had a great time getting all of the inside scoop. The theater where we first met was a few blocks off of Times Square. For some reason, there was a huge gathering of Santas on 44th street. Most of them were drunk or well on their way, which made things a little interesting. It was a strange sight. :)

The restaurant made famous by Seinfeld. I was a little disappointed to find out, however, that the show is actually filmed almost entirely in Los Angeles. Oh well.

Times Square was an absolute battle today. I HATE this area of New York. This was probably the busiest weekend of the season in the city, with thousands and thousands of people on the streets to prove it. My oldest brother Christopher would have been completely miserable. Midtown was completely clogged with tourists and shoppers.

Mother & Daughter.

Father & Daughter.

Rockefeller Center lights.


A replica of the star which is on top of the Rockefeller Center tree.

Saks 5th Avenue.

St. Patrick's Cathedral (just across the street from Rockefeller Center).

The lovebirds.

Just down the road- The Stock Exchange & annual "Holiday" (don't get me started) Tree.

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