Jan 7, 2007

"Your goals, minus your doubts, equal your reality."

I like Ralph Marston's quote. Mike and I started off 2007 by doing the cliche- putting our heads together and setting some goals for the new year. Among them- read often, watch less TV, exercise frequently, spend less & save more. So far, so good. My thighs were so sore this week from doing squats at the gym that I could barely walk. I was able to finish my book for Mystery and Manners ahead of schedule and read the prequel (The Constant Princess) this week as well. Mike and I have determined that we will have our own book club together with the goal of reading a book a month. With two other book clubs, we'll see how I do. This month is Mike's pick- we're going to read Charles Mann's "1491"- to be started this week. I like goals. Even more so, I like (I crave) checking things off of my "to do" list. Hopefully we'll be successful. This week was busy. Work has picked up again and my hours spiked this week as a result. I've been sleeping terribly for some reason. I had a nightmare Wednesday night that left me awake for an hour, without the ability to stop crying despite Mike trying to comfort me. It's a recurring theme, a reflection of my deepest fears I suppose. I suppose these sad dreams are a good reminder of what is important to me and what I really value. No need to discuss topic/content. They just seem to leave a lingering sadness for a few days...

Cara, Dave and Bryan came into the city to have one last hurrah before they left for school. We took them to Adrienne's, one of our favorite pizza places downtown and stayed up late watching a few episodes of Lost. Dave & Bryan gave us Season 1 on DVD and I think that we are hooked at this point. We don't really have the time to watch another show every week so I think that we will keep our own pace with the DVDs. You can't beat the lack of commercials anyway. Our list of shows to watch during the new year- The Office, Grey's Anatomy, Friday Night Lights and 24 (can't wait for the double-header season premiere next week!).

Yesterday was a beautiful spring day in New York with temperatures reaching past 70 degrees. The only problem... it's January!! I met my friend Allison for brunch at a Mexican place in Chelsea called Crema. We had fresh guacamole and delicious omelets. We walked around and shopped for a few hours afterwards. It was a beautifully breezy day and so nice to be outside. Mike and I got together that night with our friends Kellie and Jason. We went to a Vietnamese place called Saigon Grill. The food was delicious. It was similar to Thai food, but I liked it a little bit more. We had a chicken peanut sate that was SO good. I need to find some recipes... We went to Harry's afterwards, a restaurant/bar downtown and shared a few delicious desserts. Overall, it was a lovely day of eating, and a terrible day of keeping goals. :) I'll consider it my "free" day of the week.

I survived my first migraine today. I woke up this morning and wasn't feeling great, but went to church as I had agreed to teach the 7 year old boys in Primary. My class turned out to be a class of one- the bishops son. He was so cute, and so good and was incredibly bright. When I asked him at the end of our class what he had learned, he summarized the main points of the lesson perfectly. Hopefully this was a result of both me being a somewhat decent teacher and he being very smart! I lasted until the middle of singing time but was getting such a piercing headache that Mike made us leave. The timing couldn't have been better, as 10 minutes after we got home I found myself sobbing and crying in bed. We pulled the blinds down and I tried to throw up but could not. Mike had to move our pocket watch-style clock out of our room because the tick/tock felt like a marching band making their way around my head. Mike tried to soothe me by stroking my hair (a good technique when I wake up from a bad dream) but it felt like claws scratching my brain. Long story short, I took 800mg of IBU and drank a coke. I managed to fall asleep and woke up 3 hours later. I'm happy that it passed. I felt like I was going to die. I felt like a helpless child. Mike and I may be "grown up", but we still had to call my parents to ask what we should do. I was scared.

Another full week of work ahead, and nothing "exciting" to look forward to outside of the 9-5 (or more like 8:30 - 7:00) routine at work. The joy's of adulthood!

Oh. I have apparently failed to send Christmas or New Year's cards this year. I really meant to get these done in December but never seemed to find (or make?) the time. New Year's weekend would have been the perfect time to start & finish them, but I got too anxious trying to pick out the perfect supplies at Kate's Paperie and gave up. At this point, they will be "Happy Middle of January" cards. I give up. Hope everyone had a Merry Christmas & a Happy New Year. Look for us in the mail in 12/07.

And now a few pictures I did not take but want to share:

Patrick and Kera's dog, Mia.

The woods above my family's cabin @ Priest Lake. My entire family was there over Christmas. Patrick took this picture while snowmobiling in the mountains.

The beach just below my brother's apartment in San Francisco.


Unknown said...

sorry to hear about your head. I've only had 2 migraines in my life...both on airplanes. horrible.
I can't believe that the city is so warm. every where is warm...but here. I think I would miss the cold a bit. I like pulling out the coats and scarves.
it sounds like life is busy but productive.
It also sounds like you've tried almost every eatery in NYC. Maybe you should do reviews on your food blog to get it going again.

happy january. hey...sending out cards mid january isn't the worst thing. I'm trying it this year. :) (you can always call them Valentines)

k. said...

So, I've tried to reply to your comment twice in the last 48 hours. Everytime I come back, it is gone. No idea.

In summary:

1) I do not like migraines. No fun. I can't imagine being stuck on an airplane with all that NOISE.
2) We don't eat out THAT much, I promise. Last weekend was "special". I do, of course, really enjoy the plethora of different kinds of food in the city, but my bank account cannot handle extravagance in eating all the time. :) Nor can my body.
3) I think Wire.Whisk is dead. I might try to revive it (I still don't really understand the new blogger stuff...), but I just don't have time to send out the new invites... Oh well. It was fun while it lasted anyway.
4) I wish I had your preparation in regards to Christmas (January?) cards. I was too overwhelmed to make the small decisions which would lead up to them. I simply gave up. December 2007 is looking like a nice time to send them. I'm thinking I'll start working on them this spring...