My assistant has worked at Goldman for almost 20 years. I asked her (stupidly) if they had computers when she first began working, and she started to laugh hysterically. No computers, no email, no voicemail! How did they do it? I got home from work tonight at a decent hour (7:30!) and was cleaning up the apartment when the doorman phone rang, letting me know that FreshDirect arrived. A nice man brought up my boxes, and left with a smile. In the boxes- fresh fruit, vegetables, milk, cereal, brown sugar and ice cream, along with everything else we'll be eating for the next week or so. They delivered it, to my apartment. How did we ever survive without this? It is slushy and freezing cold outside. The grocery store is a ten minute walk away. I LOVE this service. I LOVE not having to go grocery shopping. I don't have time! Sometimes I miss purusing the aisles and discovering new things, but there is a time and a place, and I am missing the time! We try to go to the Farmer's Market on the weekends, and sometimes make a trip to Whole Foods or the nearby grocery store, but 98% of our groceries come from FreshDirect. I am eternally grateful for this service.
Valentine's Day was a little uneventful in the Whiting family this year. I got home around 9:00, and Mike go home even later from his GMAT prep course. We shared the takeout I had ordered from work and a piece of delicious Italian strawberry cheesecake on the couch while watching the last few minutes of American Idol. It wasn't terribly romantic, but we love each other and said so a few times more than usual. :) Mike's gift was a bit better than the bobblehead doll I gave him. I can't wait to go to Bliss to relax with some quality pampering.
I love the fresh direct type of service. We used it plenty of times in Boston..until they built a Whole Foods really close to us.
The best was when I ordered groceries from Utah to be delivered the day we arrived in Boston for the first time. There's nothing worse than doing a move, unpacking AND being starving.
I'm glad this works so well for you. I would miss walking the isles though.
I heard an NPR story a while ago (maybe even two years ago?) about Fresh Direct. They interviewed customers like you. It sounded SO nice.
And Kelli, what a great idea to have food there when you arrive! That is so true...nothing is worse than moving, jet lag, unpacking and hunger.
PS: Your Valentine's present looked heavenly. Give us a review afterwards please!
We are true believers in Fresh Direct. Did I mention that they also have a great selection of organic foods? It's great.
When Mike and I moved to NYC, we had nothing in our fridge except a small pint of HD ice cream. We ate at a deli around the corner just about every day until we were able to locate the grocery store! Lesson learned for the next big move.
I use Bliss products. I love them. I was first introduced to them at a W hotel in San Franciso.
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