I hit my wall yesterday. I left work early and went to therapy. I had not been in a very, very long time. The stores had not yet closed. I walked for blocks, I walked until my feet were throbbing, I walked until I finally relaxed. I walked until I had just enough time to make it home for Grey's Anatomy. I walked through all of my favorite (chain) stores on lower 5th Avenue- H&M, Banana, Anthropologie, Urban Outfitters... My body enjoyed being out of the cage (aka cubicle) and the fresh air was, well, refreshing. The longer I shopped, the more relaxed I felt. I didn't buy a whole lot- just a few t-shirts, a sweater, and the earrings above @ Urban Outfitters. They remind me of picnics in the summer (note to self: start going on picnics). I wear a lot of black, out of simplicity. I thought these would be a fun addition to an otherwise bland ensemble. I enjoyed being alone for a few hours, not talking to anyone, walking around the city at night.
Why is shopping therapeutic for many girls? Why does it make me feel better? My husband does not understand this. Mike does not like to shop. He likes to save money. He is most happy when he is saving for our home. I share in this excitement of a domestic dream, but sometimes... I just want the cute sweater that I don't really need, but... I really want. I was talking with my sister Tara today, and she understands. She bought new tires for her SUV. This made her feel better (she's a little older than I am- we enjoy different things sometimes). If we lived in the same city, we would have weekly group therapy at Nordstrom.
I'm definitely not a shopper. It's all but theraputic for me. But, for some people it's knitting, for some ironing, for some shopping, for some driving..
I love the earrings. Very fun. I find most of my fun studs (earrings) at Anthropologie. Maybe next time you choose to accessorize.
Oh man. I love to shop, but only when I have money to spend. I hate leaving thinking that I shouldn't have got something so that's why I usually avoid it.
I agree though, just looking around, walking and seeing people, but not actually talking with them. Going at your own pace. I think I just like buying things. Your post was almost therapeutic for me.
Dot earrings are in. Yours are cute. Red shoes would be fun too with the outfit.
I like Anthropologie studs too, but sometimes they are just too pricey for me. I am eyeing a pair there though that I think I'll go pick up next week... sparkly purple "disco" balls as I like to call them. Kelli, I'm pretty sure you have a pair simliar (green?). I basically have three (now four) pair of earrings in the rotation- some diamond studs, silver balls, and silver knots (the latter 2 I got from Tiffany- we got a crystal platter for our wedding that just wasn't our taste so I exchanged it). I have a lot of dangly earrings that I wore a lot at BYU, but not so much anymore... I don't think I could swing them at work... The red earrings will be fun, and yes Missy, I have two pairs of red shoes that I LOVE to wear on days when my outfit consists of a grey/black/white combo that is putting me to sleep. I bought a pair of Nine West flats in THREE different colors this fall (green, brown & red) so that I can spice up some boring outfits, plus, I'm almost completely over heels. They don't work so well in this city.
Missy, we are definitely on the same page. If I don't find what I'm looking for (or even just something fun to buy so that I feel better), it almost depresses me. Do I have a problem? :) Glad to know I'm normal.
I have green and blue "disco balls," I love them...although don't wear them much any more b/c a couple of the stones have fallen out. Hmmm. But they were SO much fun while they lasted. I think they have pink too. Maybe I need some pink ones.
I'm with you on the walking part of "shopping." I walked Boston almost every day we lived there. Usually to window shop.
They only had purple on 5th Ave. Not my favorite color, but fun nonetheless. I think pink would be fun... And green. :)
Window shopping only makes me frustrated about the things that I want but cannot. :)
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