Saturday was busy. I had to work early, which meant I got a minimal amount of sleep the night before. I came home around noon, ate some lunch (leftovers from the dinner I had ordered at work the night before) and headed out to RARE to have Bradley work his magic. I first met him in Spokane about 10 years ago. He worked at the salon where I got my haircut all through high school & college. His station was right next to Chris's, who cut my hair. The first time I met Bradley he was wearing leather pants, a puffy vest and a feather boa. He said he was going for Faith Hill's look in her most recent video. When I moved to New York, I called Chris to ask if he knew of anyone good who cut hair here. He told me that Bradley had moved to the city a few years earlier. Perfect. I've been going to him ever since. I like that we have the connection of being from the same random town out west- it allows us to relate. I love going to him, despite the NYC prices I am forced to pay. I'm letting my hair get long, longer than it has been in a long time. He only cut off about a half inch, but I colored my hair for the first time in a long time. It's a little darker- more of a chocolate brown than my typical mouse-brown. I'm happy with it.

I didn't even have time to run home before Mike and I had to meet at the PATH train (NJ transit from NYC) to go see our friends Mistie & Troy Scott for dinner in Hoboken. We went to a yummy place called Charrito's. The city definitely has a lack of genuine Mexican food, but this place is really good. We all had steak burritos. Delicious. Ashton (their 3 year old) was on quite the kick last night. We hadn't seen him in a while, and he was pretending to not remember our names. Finally he slipped and said, "Mom, is Kathryn coming to our house after dinner?" He was cute & embarrassed as to have been caught. Troy left Goldman a few weeks ago and moved into Mike's former role at Citigroup. We saw the Goldman building from across the river and Ashton said, "My daddy used to work at Goldman Sachs." We asked him where his dad worked now and he said, "He works at Park-City-Group" (they moved from Utah a year ago). It was cute. :) The picture above is from a park along the Hudson River. The view of the Manhattan skyline was incredible.
Mike and I managed to wake up for our 10:00 church this morning at 9:45 (thanks to another late night). Today was COLD and I just above froze on my way to & from church. New York has been especially cold, as it always seems to be windy. I can't wait until spring is here. I love all seasons really, except winter. I love fall, when the air is brisk and I can wear my favorite sweaters without a jacket. I love spring, when the flowers at the park smell fresh and new. I love summer... minus the humidity. But winter. Winter is cold, windy and grey in New York. So... today. We're both tired, and will be content spending a mellow Sunday afternoon together before we have dinner/watch the Superbowl with some friends. Then... another week, which should be much like the last, if not worse. Yippee.
Oooh - the salon looks like such a good one. Love the design of it. Bradley looks...friendly.
Hope your week is going ok and you don't have to travel again!
Bradley is great. He wears women's jeans and has more highlights than most girls, but I find him very... refreshing.
I'm in Philadelphia again this week. It's 12 degrees. I think I need to move to sunny California!
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