Mar 30, 2007


I met Mike for lunch today. We're lucky to work (sort of) close together. Had I chosen lunch, we would have likely gone to Financier to get the quiche of the day. It's was Mike choice though, so lamb & rice from the food cart it was. It was yummy, but I don't think I'll be able to eat dinner tonight. It's a lot of food. New York was beautiful today, a breezy 60 degrees. We ate lunch in the park (or at least near some trees and benches if that counts). This picture is a perfect example of the corporate "uniform" that exists on Wall Street. Blue shirt, grey pants. Mike has two shirts "crazy" shirts that I love- pink, and mauve. Its fun to see colors other than light blue. Another new addition... Mike has been parting his hair recently, after I encouraged him to grow it out. On the agenda for the weekend... Not much. Mike has his last GMAT class tomorrow, and we're meeting some friends for dinner tomorrow night. I'm contemplating a run around the reservoir at Central Park. We'll see what the weather is like.

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