Mar 29, 2007

Nine West loves New York.

I remember seeing my brother Patrick's shoes when he got home from his mission. They were absolutely trashed. The two years he spent knocking on doors was evident in the worn out soles and discolored leather.

Me. Here. New York. The equivalent to Patrick's 2 years in Slovenia seems to be about 2 months in New York, if that. I really love these black shoes (I promise they are cute- the picture is not "flattering"). They are perfect for work- comfortable, small kitten heel, and they work equally well with jeans as they do slacks. I bought them a while ago, a few weeks after I started at Goldman Sachs (I bought them while shopping with my friend Alyson- I remember). Anyway- 10 months, and they are trashed. See the worn out sole? The heel worn all the way through to the metal? I've already had them fixed! I have to take them back AGAIN! Sadly, this is not the only pair of shoes I own who face the inevitable fate of the garbage can, after not even living long enough to go out of style. It is frustrating. I would wear sneakers more often, were it not for the demands of business casual. I walk a lot. 10 blocks to the grocery store? A mile round trip. Want to go uptown on the east side? Half mile walk. All of my shoes are quickly wearing out...

New York is an expensive place to live. Rent, overpriced milk, SHOE REPAIR and replacement...


Missy said...

Oh no Kathryn. That's terrible. How much is milk there? It's kinda expensive here too.

Maybe you should wear some running shoes and carry those in your bag. Would that fit in that adorable bag you featured a while ago?

k. said...

I try that sometimes... but it's just a pain. Especially in the winter (no one wants wet sneakers in their purse). I have a short commute to work (walking), but always end up going somewhere during/after. In the summer, flip flops work well, but sometimes the city just feels dirty and you don't want your toes exposed. Sigh.

Milk... Horizon organic is 3.99 for a HALF gallon. Yikes.

Missy said...

Oooh, I understand about the sneakers AND the dirty pollution toes. Not fun. I guess it gives you an excuse to keep buying nice work shoes...

Trader Joe's Organic is what helps our budget.