Apr 19, 2007


We finally got out of our lease. The papers were signed this afternoon. This is a huge weight off of our shoulders. We are relieved. The move out date is officially set for April 30th (our two year anniversary). The movers are booked and we are ready to go. We only have a couch and a kitchen table to sell. Phew.

I went out on our balcony tonight with our old dingy lamp and spray painted the entire thing a black matte color. It actually looks really good. Very modern. It might even win a spot in the living room. A few days ago I really wanted to just throw it away and buy a new one. $3 worth of spray paint made quite the difference.

I managed to get to the gym tonight. It has been a few days... okay, a week. It felt nice. I followed up with an hour and a half on the couch watching The Office and Grey's Anatomy. The first was disappointing (a rerun) and the second... was just rather boring. I'm still furious at George & Izzy (and I had nightmares of infidelity & divorce after that episode - I was thoroughly depressed), and I'm frustrated with Derek. The music in the episode wasn't even that great. Sigh.

Tomorrow- my first day at work. They told me I didn't have to come in until 10am. Nice.

Good night.


Bret said...

You should totally go on an HGTV show. Design on a Dime or something like that.

Do you watch 30 Rock? I like it more than The Office.

Missy said...

Ok. I can't believe I missed this much of your life in the nearly week I was gone. Kathryn, hello, I realize we have never met but you went and found a new home {in a beautiful area of NY} that is not only more spacious, but you are playing HGTV and redoing your entire home with couches, kitchen table, paint. I don't believe it.

How was your first day of work? How long was the commute? Can you take pictures of your new place ASAP? Are you living out of bags yet? Do you get to move right in with it painted or do you have to cover up your furniture after you get there? What does your lamp look like and I'm LOVING your possible new throw pillows. I think I'm in to start shopping for new pillows as well.

Details. I need more details {though I had so much fun reading everything that happened while I was gone}.

k. said...

I've watched 30 Rock before. It's really funny. Doesn't it conflict with Grey's though? I forgot what time it is on. If only I had tivo, I could watch both. We are so far behind...

Missy- it's okay that we have never met! You had a dream where we were friends, remember? I'm pretty sure that counts. :)

1) My first day of work was GREAT. The commute- was not. But- I refuse to complain. It will get shorter after we move (about an hour each way I hope). My office is small, and everyone is VERY nice. I wore jeans. It was a very mellow get-to-know-you day. I'm happy.
2) I probably won't make it back up to the apartment until we move in on the 30th. But- I will take pictures before we move in all of our stuff. We ordered boxes from UHaul (they ship them for free) and should be getting them tomorrow... then, we start packing (and I will keep a limited supply of "stuff" in a bag or something).
3) They will not let us paint until the first day of our lease. Because housing in NYC costs hundreds (literally) of dollars a night, we decided that we will move in most of our stuff, and then paint. Not ideal, but our couches will likely not be delivered yet, so we should be okay. I hope.
4) My lamp is tall and rather boring. Just a basic floor lap (that has an upside down "bowl" at the top). I think it looks a bit vintage painted all black. :) I'll take pictures, but it's not OVERLY impressive- just a huge improvement over what it was. I love spray paint.
5) The brown pillows are purchased. I love them, too. :) I need to find 2 more (a different pattern) to go on the other couch (or mix and match). I think I would like to do stripes, but that might be tricky. Did I mention that there is a Pier 1 and a Bombay Company just down the street from my new apt? That should provide some good ideas...

It has been a STRESSFUL week, Missy. :) Lots happened, yes, but I'm glad that it is over! (The lease reassignment was the biggest stress)

PS- I'm still searching for the perfect shade of brown to paint my walls. THAT is hard!

Missy said...

Wait, what are you doing again at your new job? I'm so excited for you - casual Fridays, skinny jeans with heels. You should do a picture outfit every Friday. Give us some casual/stylish clothing options.

I thought you were painting a butter yellow. Is that for a different room?

Unknown said...

I really liked the butter yellow from R.H. Good choice! (Just make sure it doesn't turn sunshine yellow like...my house.) Have you looked into the color sample paint cans? My sister did it and after SEVERAL colors, chose a winner.

It sounds like the perfect job transition. I'm glad it was a good first day.
I think Missy's idea of outfit Friday posts is perfect. Yes please.

k. said...

Okay- so that's the worry. Butter from RH might look too... yellow. We're wanting more of a brown look. I've been carrying around the paint samples in my purse and looking at them in different lights. We'll see. I think you're right Kelli- I just need to buy some samples and test in out on a wall. I'm just all about getting things DONE. I need to be more focused on getting it RIGHT.

Missy- My new job: I'm a recruiter for a hedge fund in Greenwich. It's sort of the same thing I was doing at Goldman, but far less administrative w. more responsibility (and more freedom, too- it's small company). It will be good, I'm sure.

I think if I posted my Friday outfits you would be dissapointed. :) Yesterday was fairly boring- a Banana Republic sweater set w. jeans and bow-flats. Not too exciting. If Mike ever lets me go shopping again (after our couch/rugs/etc extravaganza this month) I will post something cute I come up with. :)