Apr 19, 2007


Day #2 of unemployment. But I was busy.

I woke up early and watched The Today Show (it's part of my morning ritual, despite my general distaste for Meredith Viera. I miss Katie). I'm still brought to tears every morning by the VT massacre, but I don't really even have the words to talk about it.

Mike went to work and I waited around for a guy to come look at our kitchen table which we posted on Craig's List. He never showed up. Why are people inconsiderate like that? Oh well.

I left around 10:00. First stop: Pottery Barn. My sister in-law Erin works there part time, and said that they have paint squares of all of the colors they use in their catalogues. I'm in need of paint, so I went to look. Not thoroughly impressed, and didn't find exactly what I wanted (which is a bit undefined at this point). I did, however, find the perfect place mats, but at $20+ dollars a piece, I decided that they were not in the budget. Next stop: Crate & Barrel, just across the street. I picked up the throw pillows that Mike found & liked last night, and saw the exact same placemats (in espresso) that I had seen at Pottery Barn- for a fourth of the price. I bought four.

Next on the list: Restoration Hardware, to look at paint but not to buy it- it's $38 a gallon. I think I found the right color (butter or maybe the buttercream), but it's still up for discussion. Next stop: Home Depot, to look at more paint colors. I brought home 25 different shades of cream/light brown/yellow-ish. Hmm. This paint thing is confusing, and doesn't help my anxiety.

Next stop: Best Buy. Returned the original arm band I got for my nano. I don't think I'm an arm band person. I'm more of a simple belt-clip person, so I walked across the street to some other Apple-type store and found something perfect... Small, simple, and easy.

I'm home now. I'm going to eat a peanut butter and jelly sandwich for lunch. Oh- I passed Shake Shack on my way to Restoration Hardware and there was no line. This was not normal. I thought about going by myself, but I think that eating a Shack burger is like going to a bar and drinking by yourself. It's just depressing (or so I've heard). I kept walking, and PBJ (dipped in milk- a family tradition of sorts) it is. Next- I need to go take a drug test for my new job (I start tomorrow), go to MAC to turn in some of my containers (they recycle them, and give you free lip gloss or shadows for each 6 your turn in), and then I'm going to spray paint an old gross lamp we have (it has gold on it- ick) to see if it is salvageable.

It has been a productive day, but I'll be ready to go back to work tomorrow. Oh- and we found someone to take over our lease here. We're moving out on the 30th. I found movers who were referred by our friends, and we are all set. I can't wait.

1 comment:

Bret said...

Wow. Busy girl. You have accomplished much more than I have today and I've been at work the whole day. I think I might fake sick and go home. i need to clean my house.