Apr 15, 2007

63 Wall Street.

FYI - this is where we have lived for the past 2 years, our 30th floor apartment at The Crest. It is small, as in kitchen-in-the-same-room-as-the-living-room small. It felt a bit small when we first moved in, especially considering that my bedroom in the house I shared with 5 other girls at BYU was as big as our living room and kitchen combined (and I was paying $325 a month!), but it was our first place, and our expectations were low. We had imagined all NYC housing to be dirty, old & rat infested, so finding a nice & new conversion building (meaning, it used to be an office building pre-9/11, and we were the first tenants) felt like a huge accomplishment. The ratio of space to rent just didn't seem to make sense though, but it was New York. But still - small. You can imagine how cozy it has been when guests have come (but we have been SO happy to have them come), and you can also imagine just how tight our closet space is (especially with my shoe habit). This being said... We have loved it. Mike gets a little sad and reminiscent when we talk about moving. This has been our home for all (almost) 2 years of our married life. We've enjoyed numerous sunsets (reflected into our apartment thanks to the very shiny Deutsche Bank across the street), short commutes, have spent relaxing afternoons on the balcony on warm summer afternoons, and have loved (okay, I have loved) being forced to be incredibly organized and void of all things clutter. It is small, but it has been home. I think we just might miss it a tiny bit.


Ben said...

It’s funny how attached you can get to your first apartment. Congrats on the move, we can’t wait to see the pictures once you are moved in.

Mike said...

*sniff sniff*
