Apr 13, 2007

Different Strokes for Different Folks

When times get stressful, Kathryn cleans. I can always tell something's amiss when I hear things being thrown away in the other room. We're juggling finding a candidate for lease reassignment with finding a suitable apartment on the Upper East Side. This being said, Kathryn found her way in to the electronics box this evening (next to the bathroom supplies box, right above the Costco oatmeal - we have a small apartment). She stumbled upon our old cell phones and insisted I justify why I had kept them. The best I could muster was "just in case..." Just in case my current cell phone dies? That seems reasonable, right? Cue the garbage can! If we do actually end up moving, Kathryn will make sure we leave with only the clothes on our backs. If it were up to me, we'd be living in the above! Love you Kathryn!


Anonymous said...

I had to go into your post and justify the margins. It stresses me out when the margins are not justified. I really think I am OCD. Oh- and that picture... that REALLY stresses me out (that's what your apartment looked like in college). I still love you there.

Unknown said...

you're a lucky man, mike. just think of all the people who live in filth. I clean when I'm irritated too. and being a clean, organized person justifies buying things like AWESOME vacuums. :)

Ben said...

I am sure you know this Mike, but one man to another you should know that when cleaning starts you must under no circumstances do two things;
1. Get in the way, you will be hurt.
2. Be caught sitting, resting, or standing still, run in circles if you must but perpetual motion is your only hope.

k. said...

Thought. I meant I still love you THOUGH. Shoot.

And Ben- you are SMART (as are you, Kelli- Mike IS lucky!!). #3 should have been "avoid playing Xbox while your wife is scrubbing the floor".