Apr 29, 2007

First 2 years.

Honeymoon to Cancun, Mexico.

First apartment.
Moving in - sort of what our apartment looks like right now, 2 years later.

First job (Mike and me in front of Citigroup).
Pearl Jam concert in Hartford, CT (I used to be a die hard fan- turns out, not so much anymore).
St. Thomas USVI for Anniversary #1.

First subway ride (as a married couple).

Rascal Flats concert w. Tara & Kevin.

Puerto Rico, summer '06

Somewhere tropical.

First NYC summer (Battery Park).


Unknown said...

I think I've seen all of those pictures before. Congratulations on your first two years. It's been fun to watch and learn. :)

Missy said...

Congrat to you two! Devin is playing some classical type music and it made the whole slideshow of music a little touching. Cute couple.

PS: You look like you have small feet. What size?

k. said...

Thats funny, Missy. :)

I DO have small feet. About a 6, most of the time. Keep in mind that I'm not very tall though. It's nice because I can always wear the sample shoes... (now I just need to be able to wear sample CLOTHES!). :)

Heidi said...

Congrats on two years- looks like the first two have been very fun and lots of tropical traveling- wonderful!

k. said...

Heidi- we've gotten very lucky. Our jobs have taken us to some nice places. And- it happens to be very convenient to get to the carribean from NYC. :)

Patrick&Kera said...

two years? really? that would explain all the gray in my beard. i can't believe you guys graduated from college. so grown up!