Apr 27, 2007

If I had $190 extra dollars, I would buy...

I finally find the perfect throw pillow for my bed & it ends up being almost as much as my new kitchen table. Sigh.


Lula. said...

I hate when that happens. Love the pillow. Love green.

Anonymous said...

Ugh. I hate that too. I still have my eyes on the $100 one at Room and Board. Although now I think it is a good deal compared to yours. Half price!

k. said...

Maybe I can just find a bunch of stuff to sell on Craigs List and use the money to buy the pillow. :) So far we have sold our couch, armchar, kitchen table, 2 kitchen chairs (one is even broken!), and today- our 2 year old Target rug for $20. Unfortunately, we've also bought 2 couches, a kitchen table, a huge rug and an apartment "upgrade" this month. Sigh. I REALLY want this pillow.

Mike would definitely kill me.

Lula. said...

Dang! Sounds like I need to get into the Craig's List action. That is awesome.