Tara sent me her Easter pictures today. Her kids are getting BIG. I can't believe that I am old enough to have nieces and nephews that are almost (but not quite) teenagers. I love seeing pictures, but quite frankly... they make me just a little bit (and sometimes a-lot-a-bit) sad. I was talking to Parker (8) on the phone the other night, and he said, "Kathryn, I haven't seen you in a long time! Not since my baptism [in January]." I had to explain to him that unfortunately, I wasn't able to make it to his baptism, and that I was sad to have missed it. He quickly replied, "Oh, well, we saw you at Christmas I guess." Nope. Negative on that one too (we were in New Canaan). When I explained to him that we hadn't seen him since Thanksgiving, he simply said that "We have not seen you in a long time, Kathryn." Great. I win Loser Aunt (however you would like to pronounce it) of the Year Award. On a related note- I also explained to Parker during this same conversation that he (although I did not directly say this) is likely the reason I have such a phobia of all things baby. When he was just a few months old, I went to San Francisco for his dad's graduation from dental school. My parents went to a banquet with Tara & Kevin and left me at the hotel with a very happy Parker. He was a cute baby for about 2 minutes. Then he started crying. Screaming. He did not stop. The security guard from the hotel came and asked, "Is everything alright?" in a "What on earth are you doing to this child?" voice. Parker absolutely would not stop crying, despite my best teenager efforts. I failed miserably. I called Tara. She had to come home, in the middle of her beautiful celebratory dinner. It was not good. My family ridiculed me for months, probably years. Parker got a kick out of this story when I told it to him. He thought he was a pretty funny baby. Little does he realize the damage he caused. Kidding. Kind of.
Anyway. The Edwards kids are cute, growing up, and the spittin' image of their mom (mostly) and dad. I miss them.
nieces and nephews are fun. and your posts have been fun lately too.
just a thought: even mothers have experienced nights (and nights!) of anxiety from screaming newborns/babies. word to the wise-live somewhere with thick walls . but then it gets easier!
I know it wasn't my fault. I was a TEENAGER. I think I was 15 or 16. I really should have been cut some slack, but I'm not kidding... I was made fun of for YEARS (I've always been the future bad mother/cook in my family, likely because I didn't like to babysit or bake cookies like my sisters. I've proved them wrong about the cooking, but even that was a struggle).
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