Apr 17, 2007

Step #1

Step #1: Order new couches (we will finally have space for TWO couches - this means we can have friends over without pulling out the folding chairs!). Done! We fell upon a great sale and ordered a sofa, love seat & ottoman this morning. Can't wait. Now - I just need a matching rug(s), kitchen table, kitchen chairs, and sheets (yes, still).


Heidi said...

I love the sofa. How fun to get to order all these new things for your new place!

k. said...

I love it, too. And so does Mike (we don't match up very often!), which is a plus! We are selling, too, which will help off-set the cost a bit (selling a couch and a leather armchair & ottoman... and maybe a kitchen table). Craig's List is the best. :)

Unknown said...

Kathryn, you're killing me today. I need details. Where did you get it?

I'm a fan. I'll have to come try it out.

Lula. said...

I like the couch. How fun that you get to buy some new furniture!

k. said...

:) Sorry Kelli! I am a bad blogger today.

Our friends have the couch- it's from Bassett Furniture out in Connecticut. We saw it online, called to see what it cost, found out it (they- the loveseat, too) was on sale, and put in the order over the phone. They will deliver them both to our new apartment as soon as we move in. Easy, simple, and not so expensive. We're happy.

We will have lots of space in our new apartment (although certainly not as much as yours, OR a guest room), so please come visit soon. :)