Apr 18, 2007


Today was my first day of unemployment. My last day at Goldman was yesterday, and I have 2 days off to enjoy being "free" before I start my new job on Friday. My day started out quite leisurely, as I stayed in my bathrobe and slippers until about 10:00 until I decided it was time to face the day. Mike's mom came into the city to "play" around 11:00. We went out to lunch then got tickets to see The Color Purple, something that Jeanne has wanted to see for a long time. Fantasia from American Idol is currently playing the lead, and while she did an incredible job, I wasn't crazy about the play. It was actually pretty... dirty. As in, on-stage nudity. I'm just not in to that, especially sitting next to my mother in law. We didn't expect it, at all. I think we were both equally embarrassed. Oh well. Anyway- Fantasia really gave a powerful performance, I just wasn't crazy about the storyline. Tonight- Mike and I threw in a Trader Joe's spinach pizza in the oven (yum) for dinner, and showed the apartment to a few people. We're still trying to get rid of our lease. We have quite a few possibilities, but the lease has not yet been signed by new tenants. Stressful. OH- one prospect asked if she could test out the bathroom. She did. Literally. She used the toilet (as in, used the toilet), washed her hands in the sink, likely wiped her hands on my favorite towel, and then turned the shower on. She was very thorough. Strange.

On a semi-related note, Mike and I have discovered the beauty of Craig's List. We're trying to sell some of our furniture before we move, and we had our first success today- our leather armchair and ottoman, sold for a great price to very happy customers. Next on the list- our couch & our (very small) kitchen table. Speaking of Mike- he was my hero today. We went up to Pottery Barn in Soho to find a new rug (we did, but I can't find a color of it online- Kelli, it is a light camel color with a very spread out white vine/floral print. It is very soft, neutral, and will go well with our dark couches & furniture while giving us enough flexiblity to play with other colors). It is a decent size, 5x8, and heavy. To help the budget, we took the subway in lieu of a cab, and Mike carried it all the way home. He was a good sport and didn't complain, but it was big, heavy and awkward. Just one of the joys of New York City I suppose.

On tap for tonight- Watching Lost (it's finally getting really good again), and getting myself organized for one last "free day". Tomorrow- I need to find paint, cute throw pillows (maybe these?), and the perfect armband for my nano.


Heidi said...

I always dream what I would do with a free day all to myself during the work week. Seeing a play and shopping sounds fun to me!

I love Lost and agree it is getting better, but the episode a few weeks ago where the two randoms were buried alive bugged me- I didn't see what the storyline had to do with anything!

PS- I like the throw pillows you are considering

Bret said...

That is so weird about the bathroom tester. Creepy. I have a hard enough time using the bathroom at work let alone a perfect strangers.

Unknown said...

thanks for the details! :) your apartment will be so pretty with all your new things.

k. said...

Heidi, I agree- someone Lost is SO out there. But overall, I love it. We are definitely hooked.

It was very nice to have a day to get a few things done... And see a show, despite all the boobs I was forced to see (really). There was one scene where there was literally a dozen women dancing topless. Very strange.

Bret- Mike scrubbed down the toilet as soon as the wierd girl left. We were totally freaked out. I would NEVER use someone elses toilet. Eww.

Kelli, I'm excited for the apartment. It will be nice to have space, and to have a few updated things.