May 14, 2007


I went into the restroom at work today. We (my firm) share it with the other offices on the floor. As I sat down, I heard the woman next to me talking on her cell phone. Strange. Turns out she was leaving a message, and without thinking, I flushed. Hmm. Someone is going to get a very odd message.

But really- who actually talks on their cell phone while in the bathroom stall at work?!


Mike said...

Come on, who amongst us hasn't broken out the blackberry during a visit to the john?

Missy said...

That is GREAT Kathryn! I've done the same thing {as you, not the lady on the phone}.

k. said...

For the record- I have NEVER been on my blackberry in a bathroom stall! Eww. I hope you disinfect it afterwards!