May 15, 2007

I like things JUST so.

And how fun are these napkins I found from Ikea? I love them (maybe too much to actually use).


Missy said...

Very cute Kathryn. And what is that plant on the right in the picture? You always have the best PLANTS, not flowers or trees...just plants. I like it.

Jan said...

So cute! Actually I see themes evolving. Keep these out for the summer and switch to another theme for the fall and winter. An inexpensive way to keep things fresh and interesting, yes?

Unknown said...

very cute. I love green! and i've always eyed the anthropologie kitchen goodies. fun decorations.

k. said...

Missy, it's a rubber plant. I have two of them. I prefer plants to flowers because, well, flowers die more quickly (and easily). I like to have fresh flowers on occassion, but I'm not home as often as I would like to enjoy them, so... Plants are the logical option. I have 6 or 7 plants in my apartment... I like the fresh green. Mike and I almost bought a big palm tree at Ikea the other day, but decided it didn't really work...

Heidi said...

I too love the plants. Plants are kind of pricey though right? how much for a medium sized one?

At first I though it was a photo from a catalog- you have very cute style

k. said...

Decided. I'm going to do a post on plants. I love plants. :)

Heidi- plants are not pricey, really. My rubber plants were a little small when I bought them (at Home Depot, of all places)- but probably no more than &10 a piece. My jade plant (another favorite) was purchased in Philadelphia for $4.00 or so. Point being- plants do not have to be expensive. The pots can be another story, but I have had good luck- the green on in the picture I bought on sale (two of them) at Pottery Barn, and places like Ikea have very reasonable and unique pots.

Anonymous said...

Please do a post on plants. It's a rubber plant? But you said it started out small? It grows? I'm confused.

k. said...

It's not rubber, as in not-real, it's just called a "rubber plant". Hmm. That is strange, I guess. I didn't even think about clarifying! :)

Anonymous said...

Wow. Good to know. I know flowers {I took a floristry class} but we never discussed plants. I'd love to learn.