May 31, 2007


Mike and I met "in the middle" last night for a date at Shack Shack {I love dates}. I love NYC in the summer. It was 80 degrees and breezy- a perfect night for a Shack Burger. Even better- Shake Shack is now organic & 100% trans-fat free. Even better - their electricity is now 100% wind powered. Very fun {and I haven't even talked about how cool it is that NYC will soon be the first trans-fat free city in the US}.

On an unrelated note- One of the 4 episodes of King of Queens that I have watched deals with the wife {like I said- don't really watch this show} wearing her hair in a bun. The husband hates it. The entire episode is spent focused on & making fun of the bun. This morning- I was lazy. I was being slow. I had to run out to catch my train. So- I blew my hair halfway dry, and pulled it back into a {low} knot at the base of my neck. Mike took one look at me and said, "So- bun, huh?" Lovely. Oh well.

Another unrelated note- once it gets above 75 in NYC, the clothes start coming off. Everything is backless, strapless & short. This means that I feel frumpy just about everywhere I go, because listen, I don't {can't} really do the whole skin-baring thing. I felt particularly covered at dinner last night, enjoying dinner in my long slacks and 3/4 length sleeve shirt. Sure- I came straight from work, but still. Sometimes I wish my apparel could be a bit more breezy.


Heidi said...

I have also seen that episode of the bun- my husband thinks its hilarious. Luckily, I can't really pull off "the bun" anyway.

Can you wear skirts or nice shorts with heels or "ballet slippers" to work? That might feel a little breezier...

k. said...

Mike was laughing his head off. He really loves that show. Maybe he should live with you and Ben. At least for a weekend. Just to watch the show.

I wear skirts a lot... which helps. And I love flats & ballet slippers (despite being sort of short). But still. Oh- and no shorts. It's not kosher around here, even on casual Friday (jeans).

I'm just complaining. :) I love modesty. Promise.

Missy said...

Shake Shack sounds great! I want to try it. Do they do veggie burgers??

I just got my JCrew catalog tonight. Devin brought it in and I loved it...tons of ballet slippers. Very cute. And I saw all the JCrew suits that were super cute. Kinda made me want to work a high powered NYC job, just for a day for the clothes.