May 4, 2007

My camera is finally charged.

We are moved in and about 98% settled. I'm still getting used to our apartment. The key to open the door is a little tricky, the shower knob is more touchy than I'm used to (I've had a few HOT showers), and the doorman in our building keeps stopping me and asking me who I'm visiting. It will all take time, I suppose, but I do love it. Our views our beautiful, we're loving the space, and our couches came early. We're just waiting for our kitchen table and chairs, then we are all set. Oh- and we can see a STAR out of our living room window each night. We've never seen a star from Manhattan before.

Our front yard.

A nearby street. Notice the trees (and those are actual children playing in the street ahead).

The entryway.

The living room.

The couches (and the PB rug we bought a few weeks ago).

Our last remaining "stuff" to put away (the kitchen table will go in this corner).

Watching a political debate on CSPAN re: Conservatives in America (Mike had control of the remote)


Books. I love books.

More. And- the Peace Lilly my mom sent us when we moved into our first apartment. It has come a long way in 2 years (and I have yet to kill it).

View from the sink.

A recent puchase from Anthropologie (I felt extremely lame buying this, as my friend Kelli makes incredibly cute fork hooks).


It is very WHITE.
Fridge wisdom.

My dream come true: Our linen closet.

Our bedroom.



Unknown said...

wow. it looks amazing. you are such the blogging pro with tons of pictures.

I love the spoon hooks. :)

I can't wait to visit sometime. I'm glad you're settled in.

k. said...

I am definitely no pro. I have problems with spacing sometimes (when it looks like there is a space, but when you "publish" the text is right above the picture... that bugs me).

I told my mom about your fork hooks and she told me that she has old silver that she wants to use. I'm embarrased that I had to buy mine!

PS- Come visit soon. :) We don't have a guest room, but we do have ROOM now.

Heidi said...

Wow your place is insanely cute. I love it. Your floors are my favorite- what are they?

Unknown said...

I showed Grandma your blog this morning and she thinks your new place looks like wonderful. isnt it nice getting more space?!

Missy said...

Kathryn, your place looks so great! I'm so impressed at how put togethe everything looks. Very happy that you are settling in and getting used to your new job, area, shops etc.

I love your linen closet. I've had reorganize linen closet on MY to do list for too long.

Really, everything looks great.

Missy said...

PS: my kitchen is very white also. white cupboards, white countertops, fridge. Fresh.

k. said...

Heidi, our floors are wood. We like them, too. They're a little bit darker than our last which is fun. Our kitchen floor is WHITE though. White = dirty. (Missy- I need help with this. How do you keep it clean all the time?)

Missy- My dream, for the last 2 years, has been to have a linen closet. I don't care so much about having a formal place to store my linens- it was more about having more SPACE, period. We're happy to have it, for sure.

We're definitely getting there. We just need a kitchen table and chairs and we are all set. I'm excited to have seats for four instead of only two. 4 = friends over, and not eating on the couch.

Unknown said...

Kathryn, how do you clean your kitchen floors? I have found that the best way to keep them clean is to just use a spray cleaner (I love Method, of course) and a wet rag. It takes a matter of..oh, 2 minutes max and it isn't a problem to even do every day {although I usually just do it once or twice a week}. Other than that, I just vacuum my kitchen when I'm vacuuming the rest of the house.

Anonymous said...

Kathryn, I have wood floors in my kitchen so I use the Method wood cleaner (best ever!!) for all my floors. The countertops are hard to keep clean though since I don't have granite (wish). I used the Clorox pen to get in the grout (sp?) and go over my white wood cupboards with a wet cloth about weekly.

k. said...

Hooray for cleaning tips! Kelli- good idea w. the Method cleaner on the floor. Why did I not already think about that? And Missy- I HAVE a Clorox bleach pen and will most definitely need to use it in the grout, as there are still traces of blood stains from Mike getting a thing of glass up in his foot when we were moving in (gross, I know- picture blood all over my white kitchen).

My counters aren't granite, either. The entire building has granite countertops, EXCEPT our apartment. I guess that they haven't quite gotten around to updating our apartment yet. Sigh. Oh well.

Lula. said...

Your new place looks so good. I am so impressed at how quickly everything came together. You are very on top of things. Everything looks so clean and fresh and roomy!