May 5, 2007

Not Too Shabby (I couldn't resist).

Today was the Shabby Apple trunk show. I met up with Kellie and we made the trek to Sarah Jane's apartment in the Village (she is good friends with Shabby's founders). It's always fun to get together with other LDS girls in the city, especially in a common cause like cute and functional dresses, without the bulky layers of a Shade or ModBod shirt making you feel bulky and hot. Anyway- it was a big success and I came away with two (inexpensive- hooray!) dresses that I love. The grey on the right looks kind of icky on the form, but it's super cute with the waist worn a tiny bit higher. I'm thinking that it will be a great for a weekend (aka flip flops) afternoon. The green dress is FUN. It's super flattering with the pleats on the side (I saw several girls try it on, all with very different body types, and they all looked great), and the color is fabulous. I'm going to wear it with gold sandals in the summer and brown boots in the winter. Final verdict: I'm a Shabby Apple fan. I'm excited for them to come out with some more designs & wish them lots of success.

Kellie and I abandoned our husbands today. We went to the Shabby Apple show at 1:00, then headed up to Chelsea for the LeSportSac sample sale. Simply put, it was crazy. We waited in line for over half an hour just to get in (I ran across the street to West Elm while Kellie held our spot in line), only to encounter the madness that existed inside. When we finally picked out what we wanted (I found 2 cute casual bags), we waited in line for over an HOUR just to buy them. By the time we finally made it to the front of the line, we were both terribly exhausted & hungry, with swollen & sore feet from standing for so long, and hurting backs. We went to the closest restaurant we could find (City Bakery- the mac 'n cheese was delicious) for lunch, then continued shopping (looking for the perfect squishy flip flops to soothe our aching feet- no luck). We stopped in to half a dozen shoe stores along the way, trying to find the perfect sneakers for me. I want something that is casual enough to be comfortable & functional for all the waking I do, but nice enough that I don't feel like I'm going to the gym. Hmm. I tried on multiple pairs of Vans, Converse, and Diesels, and quite frankly... nothing worked. Actually- I found 2 pairs of the "perfect" shoes, and they didn't have my size. Sigh. After trying on the world's supply of shoes, we headed over to Trader Joe's to stock up on all things frozen (plus fresh strawberries & strawberry lemonade). My bags were heavy, and Kellie lives 20 blocks below me but was kind enough to carry half until she had to go her separate way. This being said, I hopped in the first cab I found to avoid the 15 minute walk home with 20 lbs. of groceries (see Heidi- the suburbs have their perks).

On the agenda for tonight: I am TIRED after 7 hours of walking & shopping. I think we'll just watch a movie and call it a night. Mike bought Haagen Dazs's new Dulce de Leche with Cinnamon ice cream along with Strawberry Shortcake ice cream, so it looks like it is ice cream for dinner tonight. Yum. We are hanging pictures, cleaning up things that haven't quite found a home, and looking at the beautiful view outside of our windows.


Anonymous said...

YEA! You are the best blogger Kathryn. Devin is sitting next to me and I told him that I needed to have the grey dress. Is it cotton? What accessories will you wear it with? Shoes? Love your choices. This makes me a shabby apple fan too.

Heidi said...

So cute, I have also been eyeing that green dress. You should have told Sarah Jane you know me (well kind of) ;-)

And I suppose you are right, having a car with all those groceries is a benefit...

k. said...

Oh, I'm glad you think so Miss. My husband thinks I spend a bit too much time on the computer some days. :) I'm glad you like the grey dress, too. It's hard to see the "potential" on the form, but it's way cuter when the waist is "scrunched" just a little bit. I'll try to take a picture when I wear it. Yes, it is cotton, and SUPER soft. Both of the dresses are SOOO comfortable. Both are fitted without being clingy- they just hang really well (and like I said- I saw them tried on by several girls with VERY different body types. Simply put, they are both flattering). I tried on just about all of their dresses, so let me know if you have questions about size/fit. I bought smalls in both - I think their dresses tend to run large. And accessories... Hmm. I don't know with the grey dress. I suppose that you could dress it up, but it's probably not something that I will wear to church... more like something I will throw on for a casual afternoon w. flip flops. Maybe even just a fun headband and necklace? I'll have to research. :)

Heidi- Of course I talked to Sarah Jane about you. :) We had already emailed it (I sent her the link to your blog), and I told her that we were blog friends. :) Oh- and you have to buy the green dress. I LOVE it. It's fun enough that you could wear it to something "fancy" like a nice wedding reception or something. I wanted to wear it today, but a girl in my (new) ward bought it too, and we made a deal that she could wear it first. :)