May 24, 2007


  1. Being recognized. I often stop by the Duane Reade on my way home from the Metro North stop at 125th Street (Harlem) to pick up something- tampons, soap, a last-minute birthday card, etc. Maybe I go in there too often. When I was there today, the man at the check out counter said, "Hello, nice to see you in here again." He recognized me. Not creepy at all. Just nice. I really, really love things that make NYC seem small, and having a stranger recognize you {and actually acknowledge it} is sometimes nice.
  2. Watching my mom try to type an email to my dad {who is in Taiwan} on my BlackBerry. Priceless.
  3. Crumbs Cupcakes. My mom & I went tonight and got this cupcake. 3 cheers for sugar.
  4. Funny statues. We went to the Time Warner building for my recruiting event on Tuesday and there two huge statues in the lobby. Each was a human being shaped like a sumo wrestler and each, surprisingly, was anatomically correct. Before I could catch myself, I said, "Oh my gosh, that statue has a vagina!" Apparently I am too comfortable with that word, but luckily I was only with one other girl. Still - I felt silly.


Unknown said...

oh, kathryn! I love being your friend!
1. my mouth watered when I read about that cupcake.
2. I'm so glad your mom is in town. fun.
3. statues = wierd.
4. I would have no clue how to type an email on a blackberry.
5. your posts are {priceless}

Jan said...

Yes, indeed. Your posts are priceless! What is equally priceless is sitting here, only a few feet away from you, in your darling apratment, watching you work. I do not need entertaining while I'm visiting. Just being here is perfect.