I have a running partner. It's official. We have our 3rd run together tomorrow night. I like having someone to run with because it makes me feel accountable, sort of like having homework I need to complete before the next time we get together. My running partner is
tough. She runs marathons for fun. She a real
runner. With this in mind, I went for a nice long run tonight, by myself. I started at our apartment (92
nd & York), ran down to 86
th, took a right and ran to the park, entered at 90
th street, ran around the reservoir, and ran down 92
nd back home. It was a gorgeous night. Cool enough that I wore a long-sleeved shirt, warm enough that it felt like spring. The air was crisp. It was just right. I left the park just as the sun was setting, and made it home just as it was getting dark (Mom & Dad- I was safe).
I love running at the park. It is definitely the highlight of life on the Upper East Side of Manhattan. Sometimes I feel land-locked living in in the city; or, concrete-locked, I should say. The park smells fresh and clean. It makes me feel like I am escaping the city, but yet it's only a few blocks away from my apartment. I like running at the park because it is fun. It's like built-in cross training. The whole way there from my apartment is uphill. I can build in sprints on the avenues, and jumping off and on curbs is good for my legs. Sometimes I feel like it is a massive obstacle course, waving around dogs, strollers, newspaper vendors, hot dog stands and other runners like myself. It's a good work out. I hope I keep going. Often.
Okay I am totally not a runner but your description actually makes running sound appealing!
I want to be your running partner! I had a wonderful run {this morning} too. Oh, I just love it. Don't you love the post-run high? Sounds like you did, from your writing. Congrats to you...that's awesome.
I love the map - It gives great perspective! I never realized you were so very near the water...Which way is your view? I'll try to get a runners high by reading your blog....I think those days are in my far distant past at this point. Way to go woman!
Missy, come to New York and we will run laps around the park. :) I did get the "high", but not until about mile #3. :) It took a bit to kick in yesterday (I was actually hurting a bit the first 2 miles), but when it did- I think I could have gone on forever.
Mom- we face west, but yes, our building is just a block or two from the water. And really- you just need to start swimming. Easy on the joints, and SO good for you.
Way to go! I envy your ability to run like that. I have never been a runner...you make it sound appealing though. :)
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