May 1, 2007

Small mercies.

Today was seemingly full of small mercies. I sprinted to my train this morning, needing to make it in order to get to work for an early meeting. I made it up to the platform at 125th Street 30 seconds before the train pulled up. I was completely out of breath from running (luckily, I was wearing flats). Never fun to start a day completely flustered. Same story on my way home: I called a cab to pick me up from work (I have to take a cab to/from the train station until our office moves within walking distance from the train in June or July) at 5:15, and it finally showed up at 5:27. The train is a decent 6 minute drive away, and I asked the driver if I could make it in time to catch my 5:33 train. He must have sensed the desperation in my voice because he drove fast. It wasn't that I absolutely HAD to be home, I just really, really, really wanted to get home so that I could make a (bigger) dent in the unpacking that seems to be endless (and messes stress me out). Anyway- back to driving fast. We got stopped at a light about 2 blocks away from the train station and the cab driver suggested that I get out and run since it was a notoriously long light. I got out and R-A-N. Fast. But then- the light changed, and I couldn't cross the street. I couldn't make my way across the four lanes of traffic, and if I didn't cross THEN, I would definitely not make the train. A driver must have seen me looking frantic, and stopped in the middle of the intersection, blocking traffic and waving me to cross. I broke into a full run, waving a thank you, and sprinting up the station stairs just in time to reach the top of the platform as the doors to my train into the city were opening.

Making a train is not a big deal, but sometimes... It really is. It made a big difference to me today, and I appreciated whoever was involved in my extra-fast sprint or the lead-footed cab driver.

Update: The apartment is coming along. We are 87% unpacked, and I expect to be finished as much as we can tomorrow. On Thursday, the couches will arrive. Saturday, we paint (still no color chosen though- this could be a problem). On Tuesday, the kitchen table will be delivered, and on Saturday (next) we will go to Ikea to pick up four chairs. Everything has gone very smoothly, with the exception of Mike stabbing his foot with a large piece of glass (a big wider than a toothpick, and just as long). No stitches required, but lots of blood. Oh- and Mike made me pull it out. Eww.

I think I could use a day to sleep in.


Heidi said...

That sounds crazy but I am glad it all worked out with the commute.

I am excited to see your apartment once it's all put together. I actually love moving just for the "setting up" in the new place.

Anonymous said...

Bravo ! It's amazing you're getting so much done, so very fast. I think the happiness you're feeling at being in your new place has literally givenyou wings!

Missy said...

What a great day. I love things like this and the people involved in them. Glad you made the 5:33 train. It didn't sound like you would so that is GOOD.

k. said...

I ran. Really fast.

Does that count as half marathon training? I have been bad for the last two weeks... very little running has occured.