May 17, 2007


I keep taking pictures of Haidyn off of Patrick & Kera's blog. Does this count as stealing or borrowing? Is it okay to borrow other people's pictures? Hmm. Anyway- here is Haidyn. I love her. I especially love her in her pink Bumbo that she is not quite big enough to fill.

In other news, I'm exhausted, as in I-got-home-after-LOST-was-over exhausted, and got-up-way-before-The-Today-Show-started exhausted. Oh well. I love my job, I enjoy being busy, casual Friday is tomorrow, and the weekend is approaching. Life is good.

I'm obsessed with Cheerios this week. I don't know what it is. I'm a Kashi lover through and through (especially Cinnamon Harvest), but the stocked kitchen at work (encouraging us to work even longer hours with the allure of free food) only has Cheerios- Honey Nut, to be specific, something with a lot of bran, Honey Bunches of Oats (also a favorite) and granola. I have uncharacteristically been gravitating towards the Cheerios. My little brother Andrew ate Cheerios exclusively for about the first 12 years of his life. I think I can see why. They are delicious, especially with the sweet organic milk that tastes oh so much better than the "white water" options. I haven't eaten Cheerios in years, but they have been my breakfast of choice every single day this week.

I'm going to try to make it home at a decent time tonight (I've been running big interview days in the city all week- late nights), go for a run around the park, do some laundry, watch The Office and the season finale of Grey's (insert pending withdrawals), and finally cross "paint fingernails (clear)" off my to-do list. That has been on there for 2 weeks. Like I said, I've been busy.


mere said...

I just recently found the wonders of organic milk. it tastes soooo good. It's worth the price tag. Enjoy the weekend, sounds like you deserve it.

Anonymous said...

Weird...I've been on a Joe's O's kick. They're basically the same. Next time you are at TJ's get the organic O's. They are so good.

Unknown said...

That's cute that you ended up getting her the Bumbo. And even cuter {more cute?} that they've already tried it out. She'll love it when she's about 3 months! I like the pink too.

Oh, I've always loved honey nut o's. I don't get them very often but they are yummy. Just like Rice Krispie treats that I made for the first time in oh, almost 10 years {my freshman year of college}.

I hope you get a nice break soon. Like tonight..with your shows.

Heidi said...

Have you ever tried the Multi-Grain Cheerios? They are one of my faves.

k. said...

Do they come in Honey Nut? I love honey nut I think. :)

My #1 favorite is still cinnamon harvest (kashi). Or- Kashi Krunch with blueberries (or strawberries from Trader Joe's- freeze dried).

Patrick&Kera said...

so talk to me about greys anatomy tonight. i just barely got to watch it because earlier i was taking my "sleep time" its awake time now and I want to hear your GA thoughts...