Jun 21, 2007


I'm sort of having a rough week. Okay- I'm having a bad week. It has been stressful. My back hurts {I carry all my tension in my back- which is especially sensitive after a car accident 2 years ago}. I'm sleep deprived. My body felt like concrete when the alarm when off this morning. I did not want to get out of bed. Oh- and I have cramps. Lovely.

When a guy on the street body-checked me this morning {most people in NYC do not have the words "excuse me" in their vocabularies}, I realized that I had two choices: punch him, or smile. Well- I chose option #3 and just kept on walking, but I thought about it for a while... I can choose to be happy today {or at least do a convincing job of pretending}. It's no fun being down. But- I do have several things to be happy about {I'm trying really hard here}:
  1. I'm grateful that I do not have a hairy chin. The woman next to me on the train this morning had a goatee.
  2. I went to the gym the other night when Mike was out of town, & almost shut my apartment door behind me until I realized that I did not have my keys. It was late. I'm glad that I didn't lock myself out {although we do have very nice doormen who would let me back in}. It just would have been a pain and I do not have the tolerance this week.
  3. I have to give a talk on Sunday {I do not like giving talks, especially after a busy week}. Luckily, I have a Dad who is a scriptorian/genius/really-knows-it-all, and always supplies me with a lot of material. Thanks, Dad. It makes life a little bit easier.
  4. It's going to be 78 degrees tomorrow & Sunday. Hooray for cool weather. I want to go to the park & take a nice long nap.
  5. Mike promised to take me on a date tomorrow- and plan it. Can't wait. It will be nice to talk to each other for more than 5 minutes straight.
  6. My firm is moving offices tomorrow. Our new building is right on the sound {as in water}, with a gorgeous view of amazing houses, yachts and other things pretty. Even better- IT informed us today that we have wireless access on the dock. I think I'll be spending some time out there with my laptop in the coming weeks...
  7. Lastly, it is Friday Eve. Finally.


Heidi said...

You are a good example to me that you are trying to see the good when things are not so good.

Your new office setup sounds very nice!

Missy said...

Your office sounds la,la,lovely Kathryn. Please take photos of your shoes propped up on the dock wall.

I'm sorry your week is so lame though. I know those weeks and combine that with some sleep deprivation and you go kaput. A nice date night should fix that up. And a nap in the park sounds dreamy. Absolutely dreamy.