Jun 15, 2007

Tara is 29 {right?}!

Happy Birthday, Tara!

She’s actually a decade older than me, but we’re not that far apart. We’re actually the closest of friends. Maybe it helps that she left for college when I was only 8, so we avoided sharing any of our teenage years together {but I suppose that Elizabeth & I turned into BFF soon enough}. Nonetheless, she has always been someone that I have looked up to in every way. She married a great guy, has super cool kids, is ridiculously creative & fun, and pretty much just has it all together. Oh- and I've been doing calf exercises at the gym every day this week so that my legs will look as good as hers someday!

If we weren’t sisters, we would definitely be friends. I’m happy that we are both.


Tara Edwards said...

Thanks Kathryn! You make me sound way cooler than I am but it's a nice way to start off my morning!

Heidi said...

That hat rocks ;-)

My oldest sister is 9 years older than me but we are super close friends as well and the age difference hardly matters!

k. said...

Spencer made it (that is Spencer). Fun, huh? See- Tara is super cool. She even looks cute in paper hats!

Anonymous said...

How cute is your sister?

I thought this post was from yesterday - how fun that she and Devin have the same birthday?! June people are just cool, I think.