Jun 17, 2007

Happy Father's Day

"It is admirable for a man to take his son fishing, but there is a special place in heaven for the father who takes his daughter shopping."-- John Sinor

I'd like to say that I was my dad's favorite. I'd even like to say that I was "Daddy's Little Girl". But here's the deal- I think that all seven of us felt like that {with the exception of the three boys & the "Daddy's Little Girl" part}, so there's really no need to assign titles. And yes- he took me shopping on occasion, and it was fun. I loved it. There's something special about shopping with Dad and not Mom {maybe because they're not supposed to do it?}. Example: In 5th grade, Birkenstocks were the thing to have. You absolutely, positively were the coolest if you had a "real" pair of Birkenstocks. I think I wanted them for over a year, and the day that my dad took me out & bought them for me was likely the happiest of my elementary school years. :) I wore those Birkenstocks for years {literally- my feet stopped growing in 5th grade}. This being said, love was not only expressed via shopping- My dad has always been wonderful, in every way. He taught me how to ski when I could barely walk {and carried me down the mountain countless times}, came to all of my piano & dance recitals, hit thousands of tennis balls with me, taught me {tried} about quantum physics, was my first boss {I worked as a dental assistant for him for many years}, and was kind enough to let me "go" to the East Coast without being disowned. He loves me so much that he would use 100,000 Delta miles to get me home for five days. Things like this mean the world to me. I really, really have a great Dad. Happy Father's Day! Love you!

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