Jun 8, 2007

It's Friday & Tara is here!

Wednesday and Thursday were long. I sort of slept on the plane back from LA {we finally took off at about 1am}, but didn't get to sleep when I got home on Thursday. I worked from home until my event in the afternoon, but didn't get back to my apartment until close to 10pm. Sigh. Oh well. I picked up a dozen Buttercup cupcakes on my way to the event {to thank all the people interviewing for me that day} and they were a huge hit. Everyone appreciates a cupcake, right? My dinner consisted of cupcakes and Diet Coke. No good. I'm sorry, Mom. I know I promised, but I had gotten basically no sleep the night before. I need to quit. Today. Yup. No more Diet Coke.

Tara got here this morning. Hooray! I love having my sister here. I love my family. It will be a short trip, but a fun one I'm sure. I worked from home today, but managed to sneak away to a) eat breakfast at The Vinegar Factory and b) go for a late lunch @ Shake Shack {and she loved it, which was good- I feel like expectations are always fairly high because I talk it up so much}. We walked through Chelsea, and then headed over to Union Square for the Farmers Market, then ran into Trader Joe's to pick up a few things. Oh- and we went into one of my favorite stores, Fish Eddy's. They make the cutest dishes & glassware. I want to buy this plate & hang it on my wall. I also want any combination of these.

Soon after, Tara was able to learn one of the many joys of living in NYC- subway fires. Just after we passed through the turnstiles, people started coming up from the tracks in hordes. Turns out there was a track fire in the Bronx so the subway line to the UES was completely shut down. I wasn't about to walk 78 blocks {and I'm not really a bus person- I haven't really figured out that system yet... maybe next year}, so we hopped in a cab {$15 to get home from grocery shopping- sigh}.

Oh- and while I was working on the couch today {in yoga pants & a tshirt- fun!}, I had the pleasure of half-listening to daytime television. Among the highlights {insert sarcasm}: The Tyra Banks Show {talking about plastic surgery makeovers, including a woman's nipple reconstruction & a man's breast reduction} and Judge-Something-Or-Other breaking up a screaming match. Are you kidding me? These shows are such an absolute waste of time. I think that I actually lost brain cells. Have I mentioned that we don't have cable? We don't. We're not home enough to justify it, and most of my favorite shows are on NBC anyway.


Heidi said...

I have cable because I like FoodNetwork and HGTV. I know, it a waste of time but I do! Plus, my husband could hardly go on without ESPN (or so he says).

k. said...

Okay, so we have basic networks plus a few other "lucky" ones- including TBS, TNT, the old WB & The Food Network (which I also love). We do just fine... I don't have enough time to watch it enough to justify the $110 or something per month. Oh well.

Missy said...

Fun that your sister is there! I love hanging out with my sister. I hope you have so much fun. Take lots of pictures to post. What else will you guys be doing?