Jun 28, 2007


I like it. It's lengthening, not goopy, doesn't clump and is definitely waterproof. I washed my face and used eye makeup remover three times before it finally came completely off. My vote: two thumbs up.


Rae said...

YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY. So glad it was a success!! If I ever switch over to the waterproof side I'll go for it. I just HATE having that hard of a time getting my makeup off.
But definitely perfect for the lake!
When do you go?

k. said...

I leave today. Friday. 4:45pm. I'm keeping my fingers crossed that everything goes okay. I always get so nervous going home... It takes a long time!!

PS- I am anti waterproof, too. Unless of course, I'm at the lake.

Rae said...

Good luck!! I hope everything runs smoothly. It seems like there are always headaches when I fly across the country.
I'm flying to SLC next week (the on to Rexburg) and I already have the feeling that there will be headaches. Boo.