Jul 16, 2007

Anya Hindmarch

How early do you think I need to get there?


Lindsey said...

Good luck! I hope you get one. In london it was crazy. I met a girl the other day who had her bag at the park. She said her mom queued up for her at midnight and stayed the night outside the shop! I actually never even knew who anya hindmarch was before this bag, but i went into her store the other day and she has a great collection (in the outlet store, anyway).

Rae said...

Yikes, what time do you think you'll go Kathryn?

k. said...

I don't think I can go at midnight... I might just show up at 8am and see if I have any luck... Or, I might not. I'm torn.

If all else fails, I have my handy Trader Joe's tote... sigh.

Rae said...

So what happened? I got there about a quarter to 8, same thing as you were thinking, just to see if I had any luck. The line was OUTRAGEOUS and I didn't even bother, haha. How lame was the rain though? That seriously made me contemplate not going, but then thought others might have had that same thought and it would give me a better chance....boy was I wrong.
It was such a disappointment because last night I had a dream I totally got one, and bought a spare for you in case you didn't get one. Then you showed up at my Whole Foods (Columbus Circle) and were disappointed because you didn't get one at Union Square, and I surprised you. It was so sad when I realized it wasn't reality.
PS You know you're blogging too much when your blogging friends you haven't even met in real life start to show up in your dreams, haha.

k. said...

I didn't go.

I slept TERRIBLY last night (woke up at 3am and never went back to sleep). I intended to go...

When I woke up, I called the WF @ Union Square and the woman who answered said that the line was HUGE and they only had 3,000. With 1 person being able to buy 3 bags (and I'm sure most will), I decided it wasn't worth the trek through pouring rain, thunder & lighting. I might call later just in case... We'll see.

k. said...

I called at 10am. All sold out!

Rae said...

Same thing at Columbus Circle yesterday. The girl answered the phone "Thank you for calling Whole Foods Columbux Circle...blah blah blah....we're all sold out of the I'm Not a Plastic Bag bag, how can I help you?"
Me: "That's all I needed to know."
Me: :'(