Jul 8, 2007

NY City.

We're back in NYC and doing... okay. Mike leaned over to me in church today and said, "I wish we were at the lake." Me too.

Apparently our bodies are still on West Coast time, which is funny as I struggled the whole week to stay up past 8:30pm PDT at the cabin all week, and woke up just about as soon as the sun rose {about 4:30am}. Sigh. Anyway- we went to bed past 1:00am on Friday and didn't wake up until 11:00am when we got a call from friends asking us to meet for brunch. It was a good reason to get out of bed & enjoy the beautiful day.

After brunch {my jaw let me eat pancakes with only a small amount of difficulty/pain}, we spent time just wandering & running errands. We went and grabbed dinner late @ our favorite street cart {turns out it is Egyptian food, by the way...} in midtown and made a late night {9:30pm} run to Trader Joe's. We came home & watched a late movie, getting to bed around 2:00am. Church this morning at 9am was rough to say the least. Oh- and the picture is of Mike & me on the bus last night. We walked through part of Times Square earlier & I thought it would be funny to post a picture of me below all of the screaming lights & billboards next to another of me on the dock at the lake. That picture didn't quite happen, but you get the idea. Sigh.

Long story short... We're doing okay. I miss my famliy {aka my friends}. It's beautiful in NYC, if only a little hot, but we'll survive. Back to work "for real" tomorrow, and back to the lake on August 10th. Can't wait.

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