Jul 30, 2007

NYC Subway Statistics

Subway cars (2004): 6,200
Number of Trips (2004): 2,676,509
Subway stations: 468
Average weekday riders (2004): 4.5 million
Yearly riders: 1.4 billion
Miles of track: 660

Mike had subway issues this morning, making his already-barely-tolerable commute within Manhattan even longer. I told my Dad about this during our morning conversation today {he calls every day on his way to work- It works out well with the time zones} and he wondered just how many people’s commutes were disrupted thanks to the 4/5 trains not running. I did a quick Google search & came up with the stats above.

My dad just emailed me back & pointed out that the population of Washington State is about… 4.5 million- the same number of people that ride the subway every day in New York.

NYC is a funny {big} place.

1 comment:

Tara Edwards said...

And how much does each ride cost? That adds up to enough money that you think they could pay for a few more mops or garbage collectors :)