Jul 23, 2007


Sunburn results when the amount of exposure to the sun or other ultraviolet light source exceeds the ability of the body's protective pigment, melanin, to protect the skin. A serious sunburn is as serious as a thermal burn, and may have the same systemic effects such as blistering, edema and fever.

I know I'm not a boy, but posting this picture beats posting the picture we wanted to take yesterday afternoon that would be not-so-appropriate for my family-friendly blog. Naked, I look like I'm wearing a nice white bikini. Sorry for the visual.

I got a bit caught up in finishing Middlesex on my roof deck yesterday afternoon, and sort of forgot that the sun is the same whether you are at the beach or on top of your roof in New York City. Mike came up after I'd been there for a while and said, "Hmm, you're looking a little bit pink". A little bit pink turned into a-lot-a-bit pink. Let's just say that my tummy hasn't seen the sun in quite a while {I wore a tankini when we were at the lake}, and is now the shade of a certain kind of seafood that is generally eaten on special occasions while wearing bibs. Luckily I was wearing tinted moisturizer with SPF 15 on my face.

I guess this is what I get for wearing an immodest swimsuit, on the sabbath, while reading a book about hermaphrodites. I can't lie. I jumped in the pool afterwards because I was really hot.



Melissa said...

Kathryn you crack me up! :) Sorry you got sunburned! Ouch!!

Heidi said...

That is funny, I can totally picture what you mean because I have done it myself a time or two.

Missy said...

I can picture as well...I've totally been there. Does showering sting? That's when you know it is pretty bad.

Rae said...

The worst is when you shower and it feels like someone's pressing a hot iron to your skin. OUCH!

Unknown said...

oh boy. please treat yourself to some aloe! hopefullly your tummy won't peel too much. bad luck. (buy some of that spray on sunblock. it's so much easier!!)

k. said...

I drenched myself in Aloe last night... I think it helped. My shower was fine- no stinging, but I am RED. Lobster red (luckily only from the neck down- the neck to the knees, really). Mike called me a lobster and I punched him!

Kelli- I need to try spray-on. I've never used it. What kind do you use?

Unknown said...

we just have target brand actually. but there are a lot to choose from. I would have gone with Aveeno if I wasn't on a budget. :)

Mike said...

Mmmm... Lobster....

Tara Edwards said...

Yeah! Because Mike LOVES lobster! I swear by the aerosol spray sun block. I use it on my kids and so far this summer all I have is a bunch of tan kids. It's not sticky and you get really even coverage! Sorry Kathryn! I feel for you!