Jul 22, 2007

Toasted Coconut Sesame Brittle

Erin, being a fellow Haagen-Dazs connoisseur, made a recent discovery. Mike & I bought this yesterday to see for ourselves if it was worth all the hype.
It is. Go buy it. Now. {Review on Pomegranate Chip to follow.}


Tara Edwards said...

Mmmm! Sounds delicious! I've never considered Sesame a flavoring for ice cream. I tend to stick to mocha or strawberry or chocolate or something more traditional tossed along with something like chocolate chunks or fudge or mint or something sweet like pineapple. I'll put it on my shopping list!

Heidi said...

I am starving right now and this looks delish, too bad it is Sunday or else I would be on my way to the grocery.

Melissa said...

Yum! I LOVE icecream and am always up to trying new flavors...thanks for passing this on...I'm getting it!

Lula. said...

Is this the ice cream that won the competition on The Food Network? I watched a show that allowed (I think) four people to come up with their own flavors for Haagen-Dazs. I wanted so badly to taste the flavors they came up with....so glad to know they are available to buy!

k. said...

I don't know Lauren. I never saw that (and we love the food network). Could be! I know that their website (Haagen Dazs) explains that the "reserve" flavors feature ingredients that are more "rare", and thus harder to produce in large quantities. Hmm.

In any case- it is delicious. We tried the Pomegranate Chip last night, and it wasn't our favorite... but we will definitely buy this again (the pint is long gone).