Jul 14, 2007

Weekend {thus far}.

It has been a perfect weekend thus far. We caught up with Kellie & Jason on Friday night & enjoyed good conversation, Chinese food, & yummy peach cobber {random combination, but I received a box of perfectly ripe peaches from a client Friday afternoon}. Today- it was a perfect Saturday. I went on a nice run {finally- I have been slacking this week} in the morning while Mike went to the gym with Jason. We spent a couple of hours at the park in the afternoon. It was a lovely 82 degrees and slightly breezy. Loved it.

Flat on my back.

Our relaxing place of choice- The Great Lawn.

Dad- you & I were on the phone while we were at the park & you asked if I had seen any wildlife {i.e., moose & bears, like up at the cabin}. Not quite, but we did see a famous Red Tail Hawk. The zoom on our camera did an impressively good job.

After our afternoon at the park, we met Elly & Scott for dinner at S'Mac, then made our way up to the seemingly famous Pinkberry. After several bites {it took some getting used to}, I found it quite delicious.

Hooray for weekends. I'm thinking Sunday will be nice as well.


Heidi said...

I have heard of this pinkberry from my sis-in-law in LA. I need to try it sometime.

Are those your toes? Nice pics, made me feel relaxed.

k. said...

Yup, my toes. I did them myself Sat. am, so they are not looking particularly nice...

Pinkberry is a bit odd- it's frozen yogurt- but REAL yogurt. Interesting.

Missy said...

It's REAL yogurt? I didn't know that. I'm hoping to try it when I'm out in DC. I've heard a lot about it...it's big in LA, but not here in SD.