Aug 4, 2007

Becoming Jane

Becoming Jane came out in the US yesterday on limited release. Hooray for living in New York! Kellie & I convinced our husbands that we needed to see this movie on opening night. I think they both liked it, & I certainly did. I loved learning more about Jane Austen's life & the stories that {likely?} shaped her life & her writing. My throat hurt as we were leaving the theater because I was trying not to cry throughout the many parts of the movie. It really was incredibly well done. All of the characters were perfectly cast, the cinematography was gorgeous & the music perfect. I think I'll be buying this on DVD when it comes out so that I can have double-header weekends with this & Pride & Prejudice.


Heidi said...

I am so jealous! It does not wide release until next weekend, but I am hoping to see it in SLC with my sisters and mom.

Jan said...

I want to see it now!

Lindsey said...

glad you liked it! I had the same throat thing going on on the entire movie too. loved it.